Section 7.3: Part II
2nd Translation Theorem and its Inverse
Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest
In Section 7.3, work problems:Do these problems after Exam 3:
- 37 40 all,
38 Answer: e–2s / (s+1)
40 Answer: e–s ( 3/s2 + 4/s )
- 41 47 odd,
- 55, 56, 57, 59, 60,
56 Answer: f(t) = 1 U(t 4) + U(t 5), 1/s – (1/s)e–4s + (1/s)e–5s
60 Answer: f(t) = sin t sin t U(t 2π), 1/(s2+1) – e–2πs / (s2+1) because sin(t + 2π) = sin t.
- 63 69 odd
Study and work through these examples: