![[Picture of Jim Huggins]](pics/smalljim.gif)
![[Picture of Jim Huggins]](pics/smalljim.gif)
James K. Huggins
Kettering University
1700 University Avenue
Flint, MI 48504-6214
Phone: 810-762-9500 x5439
Toll-Free: 800-955-4464 x5439
Fax: 810-762-9796
- Kettering University,
Flint, Michigan.
- Wayne State University,
Detroit, Michigan. Lecturer, September 1996--May 1997.
- University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
- Visiting Scholar, September 1996--present.
- Adjunct Lecturer and Research Fellow, May 1995--August 1996.
- Academy of Professional Studies, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Adjunct Lecturer, May--August 1996.
Major Publications
- Bill Albrecht, Ken Christensen, Venu Dasigi, Jim Huggins, and
Jody Paul, "The Pledge of the Computing Professional: Recognizing
and Promoting Ethics in the Computing Professions, SIGCAS
Computers and Society, volume 42, no. 1., August 2012, 6--8.
- Egon
Börger and James K. Huggins, "Abstract State Machines
1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography", Formal Specification Column
(H. Ehrig, ed.),
EATCS Bulletin 64, February 1998, 105--127.
- Steven C. Cater
and James K. Huggins, "An ASM Dynamic Semantics
for Standard ML" (Extended Abstract). Technical Report
CPSC-1999-2, Computer Science
Kettering University, October 1999.
- Steven C. Cater and
James K. Huggins, "An ASM Dynamic Semantics for Standard ML". In
Y. Gurevich, P. Kutter, M. Odersky, and L. Thiele, eds.,
Abstract State Machines: Theory and Applications, Proceedings
of ASM 2000 International Workshop,
Springer LNCS 1912, 2000,
203--222. (Also in Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Abstract State Machines, Monte Verita, Switzerland, TIK-Report 87,
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology Zurich, March 2000, 68--99.)
- Kevin Compton,
Yuri Gurevich, James K. Huggins, and Wuwei Shen,
"An Automatic Verification Tool for UML".
University of Michigan
EECS Department
Technical Report CSE-TR-423-00.
- Kevin Compton, James
Huggins, and Wuwei Shen, "A Semantic Model for the State Machine in
the Unified Modeling Language". In Gianna Reggio, Alexander Knapp,
Bernhard Rumpe, Bran Selic, and Roel Wieringa, eds., "Dynamic
Behaviour in UML Models: Semantic Questions", Workshop Proceedings,
UML 2000 Workshop, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
Institut für Informatik, Bericht 0006, October 2000, 25-31.
- Mitchell Duncan and James K. Huggins,
"What Belongs in a Computer Science Syllabus?", Proceedings
of FIE 2018, San Jose, CA, 3-6 October
2018. [PDF]
- Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins, "Equivalence Is In The Eye
Of The Beholder",
Theoretical Computer Science (179) 1-2 (1997),
- Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins, "The Railroad Crossing Problem:
An Experiment with Instantaneous Actions and Immediate Reactions,"
in Computer Science Logic, Selected papers from CSL'95,
ed. H. K. Büning,
Springer LNCS 1092, 1996, 266--290.
- Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins, "Evolving Algebras and Partial
Evaluation", in IFIP 13th World Computing Congress 1994, Volume 1:
Technology and Foundations, eds. B. Pehrson and I. Simon, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, 1994, 587--592.
- Yuri Gurevich and
James K. Huggins,
"The Semantics of the C Programming Language", in Computer
Science Logic, Selected papers from CSL'92, eds. E. Börger,
H. K. Büning, G. Jäger, S. Martini, and M. M. Richter,
Springer LNCS 702, 1993, 274--308.
- James K. Huggins, "The Assumptions of Computing", Ethics
in the Computer Age, ACM Conference Proceedings, Gatlinburg,
Tennessee, November 11-13, 1994, pp. 46--50.
- James K. Huggins,
"Broy-Lamport Specification Problem: A Gurevich
Abstract State Machine Solution",
University of Michigan
EECS Department
Technical Report CSE-TR-320-96.
- James K. Huggins,
"Engaging computer science students through cooperative education",
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 41, number 4 (December 2009), 90--94.
- James K. Huggins,
"Flipping Unplugged: An Experience Report", Proceedings
of FIE 2018, San Jose, CA, 3-6 October
2018. [PDF]
- James K. Huggins,
"Kermit: Specification and Verification", in
Specification and Validation Methods, ed. E. Börger,
Oxford University Press, 1995, 247--293.
- James K. Huggins, "Modular Term-Long CS2 Projects", Proceedings of
Frontiers in Education 2000, Kansas City, MO, 18-21 October 2000,
Paper S2C.1.
- James K. Huggins, "An Offline Partial Evaluator for Evolving
University of Michigan
EECS Department
Technical Report CSE-TR-229-95.
- James K. Huggins, "Using a Barrel of Monkeys in Computer Science".
Frontiers in Education
2005, Indianapolis, IN, 19-22 October 2005, Session F4C.
- James K. Huggins, Jean
Mayo, and Charles
Wallace, "Teaching ASMs, Teaching with ASms: Opportunities in
Undergraduate Education", in E. Börger, A. Gargantini, and
E. Riccobene, eds., Abstract State Machines 2003: Advances in
Theory in Practice, Proceedings of ASM 2003,
Springer LNCS 2589, 2003, 414.
- James K. Huggins and Wuwei Shen, "The Static and Dynamic
Semantics of C (Extended Abstract)". In Abstract State
Machines --- ASM 2000, Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Abstract State Machines, Monte Verita, Switzerland, TIK-Report 87,
Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology Zurich, March 2000, 272--284.
- James K. Huggins and Wuwei Shen, "The Static and Dynamic
Semantics of C", Technical Report CPSC-2000-4,
Computer Science Program, Kettering University.
- James K. Huggins and David Van Campenhout,
"Specification and Verification of Pipelining in the ARM2 RISC
Microprocessor ",
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic
Systems, volume 3, number 4 (October 1998), 563-580.
- James K. Huggins and David Van Campenhout,
"Specification and Verification of Pipelining in the ARM2 RISC
University of Michigan
EECS Department
Technical Report CSE-TR-371-98.
- James K. Huggins and Charles Wallace, "Abstract
State Machines and the Inquiry Process". In A. Blass, N. Dershowitz,
and W. Reisig, eds., Fields of Logic and Computation,
Springer LNCS 6300, 2010, 405-413.
- James K. Huggins and Charles Wallace, "An
Abstract State Machine Primer", Technical Report CS-TR-02-04,
Computer Science
Department, Michigan Technological University, 4 December 2002.
- Wuwei Shen,
Kevin Compton,
and James K. Huggins, "A Validation
Method for a UML Model Based on Abstract State Machines", in
R. Moreno-Diaz and A. Quesada-Arencibia, Formal methods and
Tools for Computer Science, Proceedings of
- Wuwei Shen,
Kevin Compton, and
James K. Huggins, "A Toolset for
Supporting UML Static and Dynamic Model Checking", Proceedings of
ASE2001 (16th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software
Engineering), 26--29 November 2001, 315--318.
[Compressed PostScript]
- Wuwei Shen,
Kevin Compton,
and James K. Huggins, "A Toolset forv
Supporting UML Static and Dynamic Model Checking",
in 26th International Computer Software and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC 2002), Prolonging Software Life: Development and
Redevelopment, 26-29 August 2002, Oxford, England, Proceedings, IEEE
Computer Society 2002, 147--152.
[Compressed PostScript]
- Wuwei Shen,
Kevin Compton,
and James K. Huggins, "A Method
of Implementing UML Virtual Machines With Some Constraints Based
on Abstract State Machines", in Proceedings of 10th Asia-Pacific
Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2003), 10-12
December 2003, Chiangmai, Thailand, 224-233.
- Olivia C. Wanless, Chanc D. Gettel, Charles W. Gates, James
K. Huggins, and Diane L. Peters, ``Education and Licensure Requirements
for Automated Motor Vehicles''. In Miriam Cunningham and Paul
Cunnningham, eds., 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Technology in
Society (ISTAS) Proceedings, Boston, MA, 15-16 November 2019.
- Jonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Katherine Deibel, Jim Huggins,
Beth Simon, and Suzanne Westbrook, "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the
Time", special session, ACM SIGCSE 2009, March 2009.
- Netiva Caftori, Jim Huggins, A. Dudley, K. Carter, D. Weikle, "Nifty
Computing in Society Case Studies", presentation, Birds of a Feather
Session, ACM SIGCSE 2013, 7 March 2013
- Dan Garcia, Jim Huggins, Lauren Bricker, Adam Gaweda, David J. Malan,
Joël Porquet-Lupine, and Kristin Stephens-Martinez. 2023. It Seemed
Like a Good Idea at the Time: ("Let Me Help You with That"
edition). In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on
Computer Science Education V. 2 (SIGCSE 2023). Association for
Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA,
1204–1205. https://doi.org/10.1145/3545947.3569599
- Dan Garcia, Jim Huggins, Kevin Lin, Raja Sooriamurthi, Leo
Ureel, and Ursula Wolz, ``It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
(Hindsight is 2020)'', panel discussion, ACM SIGCSE 2020 (conference
cancelled). Abstract in Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium
on Computer Science Education. Association for Computing Machinery,
New York, NY, USA, 2020,
637–638. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3328778.3366974
- Dan Garcia, Jim Huggins, Christine Alvarado, Paul Gestwicki, Andy
Gunawardena, Victoria Hong, and Ellen Spertus. 2022. ``It Seemed Like a
Good Idea at the Time (COVID-19 edition)'', panel discussion, ACM
SIGCSE 2022, March 2022. Abstract in Proceedings of the 53rd
ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (SIGCSE
2022). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA,
1021–1022. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3478432.3499250
- Yuri Gurevich and James K. Huggins, "The Semantics of the C Programming
Language", invited talk, Fifth International School for Computer
Science Researchers, Specification and Validation Methods for
Programming Languages and Systems, Lipari Island, Italy, June 21
- July 3, 1993.
- James K. Huggins, "The Assumptions of Computing", ACMS SIGCSE
Luncheon, 7 March 2013
- Jim Huggins, "Coding and Robotics for Youth Services Librarians",
Webinar Presenter, Woodlands Library Cooperative, 13 September 2019.
- James K. Huggins, "Computing History and Ethics: The Relevance of
the Real World for Social Change". SIGCAS Symposium on Computing
for the Social Good: Educational Practices, 4 March 2015.
(Abstract published in ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society 45,
2 (July 2015), 34.) [PDF]
- James K. Huggins, "Evolving Algebras: Tools for Specification and
Verification", invited talk, Workshop on Combining Structures, Logics,
and Theories, part of the 1994 European Summer School on Logic,
Language, and Information, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 17, 1994.
- James K. Huggins, "Engaging Computer Science Students Through
Cooperative Education", poster presentation, ACM SIGCSE 2009, March 2009.
- James K. Huggins, "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal: My Top Ten
Stolen Teaching Tips", Kettering CETL Seminar, 30 January 2003
- James K. Huggins, "Modular Term-Long CS2 Projects", poster
presentation, ACM SIGCSE 2000, March 2000.
- James K. Huggins, "Modular Term-Long CS2 Projects", poster
presentation, Kettering University CETL Educational Research
Conference, 27 March 2002.
- James K. Huggins, "On Teaching ASMs", invited talk, Microsoft
Research, Foundations of Software Engineering, 21 May 2003.
- James K. Huggins, "Rock-paper-scissors: nifty tools and
assignments", presentation, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual CCSC
Midwestern Conference, 23-24 September 2011, Huntington University,
Huntington, IN. (Abstract published in J. Comput. Sci. Coll.
27, 1 (October 2011), 90.)
- James K. Huggins (moderator),
Joseph Bergin, James
Caristi, and Ellen
Walker, "Survivor: Getting Through That
Class The First Time", panel discussion, ACM SIGCSE 2003, 21
February 2003.
- James K. Huggins (moderator),
Joseph Bergin, James
Caristi, and Ellen
Walker, "Survivor: Getting Through That
Class The First Time", poster presentation, Kettering CETL
Educational Research Conference, 2 April 2003.
- Jim Huggins, Amruth
Kumar, Clif
Kussmaul, and John
Trono, "Multi-Phase Homework Assignments in CS I and CS II",
panel discussion, CCSCE 2003, 17 October 2003, Journal of
Computing Sciences in Colleges, vol. 19, no. 2 (December 2003), 182--184.
- James K. Huggins and Wuwei Shen, "The Static and Dynamic Semantics of C",
FM'99: World Congress on Formal Methods, Toulouse, France, 20--24
September 1999.
- James K. Huggins, Greg Schneider-Bateman, and Ezekiel Gebissa,
"Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education Through Liberal Studies",
poster presentation, 2013 KEEN Winter Conference, 3 January 2013
- James K. Huggins and David Van Campenhout, "Specification and
Verification of Pipelining in the ARM2 RISC Microprocessor", invited
Second Cannes ASM Workshop, Cannes, France, June 19--22, 1998.
Professional Activity
- Reader, AP Computer Science Exam, June 2004, June 2006, June 2007,
June 2008, June 2009
- Table Leader, AP Computer Science Exam, June 2010, June 2011, June
- Question Leader, AP Computer Science Exam, June 2012, June 2014,
June 2015
- AP Exam Reviewer, September 2006, September 2007, September 2008,
March 2009, March 2010, March 2011, March 2012, March 2013, March 2014
- AP Computer Science Audit Evaluator, April 2007-2009
- Charter member, The Pledge of
the Computing ProfessionalASEE Department of Defense SMART Scholarship Evaluation Panel,
Washington, D.C., 2-3 March 2007
- Invited Participant, Dagstuhl Seminar, "Rigorous Methods for
Software Construction and Analysis", Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 7-12
May 2006.
- Invited Participant, Teaching Computing Ethics (DOLCE 2001)
Workshop, Golden, Colorado, 30 May--3 June, 2001. (Funded by NSF.)
- Program Committee,
ASM 2000 Workshop, Monte Verità, Switzerland,
19--24 March 2000.
- Program Committee,
Second Cannes ASM Workshop, Cannes, France,
19--22 June 1998.
- Visiting Scholar,
Computational Theory
EECS Department,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
- Web Administrator,
Michigan Chapter,
Computing Professionals
for Social Responsibility (now defunct)
- Web Administrator,
Abstract State Machines Research Group,
EECS Department,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan (now defunct)
Grants, Awards, and Certifications
- Sun Certified Associate for Java Platform, Standard Edition,
October 2008
- Kettering/GMI Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Award,
June 2002
- Senior Personnel, "Speaking of Software", NSF Award #CCF-0417548
(Charles Wallace, Michigan Technological University, PI)
Professional Association Membership
Honorary Societies
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last update: 18 March 2020