Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest
Assoc. Prof. of Applied Mathematics
Kettering University
y ' = f ( x , y ) ,
y ( x0) = y0 ,
on an interval [ a , b ] (denote x0 by a ) using "Nsteps" steps.
User must enter: function f(x,y), Nsteps, a, b, y0 below.
This code is set up to use equally spaced nodes (constant stepsize h).
> restart ;   (This clears Maple's memory. Always best to make this the first line in a Maple code.)
> Digits := 16 ;   (Sets the precision of Maple. This should be an integer.)
f := ( x, y ) –> evalf( y * cos(x) ) ;
(This defines f as a function of x and
y. You may use any variable names you want, but it's best not to use
names you've used elsewhere.)
> a := 0.0 ; b := 2.0 ;   (We are solving the problem on the interval [0.0, 2.0]. a is x0 from the initial condition.)
> y0 := 1.0 ;
> Nsteps := 10 ;   (We are using 10 steps. This should be an integer.)
Euler's method follows:
> h := (b - a) / Nsteps ;   (Determine (set) the nodal stepsize.)
X[0] := a ; Y[0] := y0 ;
( Use square brackets, not parentheses.
Square brackets are used to denote elements of a vector
or elements of a sequence. )
printf("\n x y\n") :
(after each line in this block, hit Shift-Enter)
printf("-----------------------------------------------\n") :
printf(" %3d %18.12f %18.12f\n", 0, X[0], Y[0] ) :
(This prints the initial value.)
for n from 0 to (Nsteps–1) do
X[n+1] := a + (n+1) * h :
Y[n+1] := Y[n] + h * f( X[n], Y[n] ) :
printf(" %3d %18.12f %18.12f\n", n+1,
X[n+1], Y[n+1] ) :
n x y ----------------------------------------------- 0 0.000000000000 1.000000000000 1 0.200000000000 1.200000000000 2 0.400000000000 1.435215978682 3 0.600000000000 1.699600269869 4 0.800000000000 1.980148396635 5 1.000000000000 2.256064931323 6 1.200000000000 2.499856348239 7 1.400000000000 2.681024814812 8 1.600000000000 2.772162040375 9 1.800000000000 2.755972878911 10 2.000000000000 2.630740316710
> plot( [ [ X[k], Y[k] ]$k = 0 .. Nsteps ], a .. b, 0.0 .. 3.0, style = point, symbolsize = 30, symbol = diamond ) ;
> plot( [ [ X[k], Y[k] ]$k = 0 .. Nsteps ], a .. b, 0.0 .. 3.0, style = line, thickness = 4 ) ;
CLICK HERE for more information on the printf command and to learn more about plotting options.
Created byDr. Kevin G. TeBeest |