Math-305, Numerical Methods & Matrices
Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest
Spring 2024

Course Policy Dr. TeBeest's Schedule
Abbreviations and Math Notation Maple Tutorials
Rules Regarding Programming Projects Course Syllabus
Journal Format Guidelines Developing Good Study Habits
Accessing Kettering's Cloud (and Maple) via the Citrix Receiver


  1. You should rework Exam 2 immediately to learn from your errors.

  2. FINAL EXAM:   (posted here May 16; posted by Admin before Week 7)
    Wednesday, June 12 (Week 11)
    7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (MORNING)
    Room: AB 1-817

    Per the course policy, students are to take the final exam at the time scheduled by the Registrar.
    The final exam may include anything from Assignment 12 to the end of the course.
    Click here for information about our final exam. Includes the crib sheet I will give you during the exam.

    NOTE:University policy states that is your responsibility to check for scheduling conflicts with other final exams immediately. If you have a scheduling conflict please resolve it immediately per university policy here. However, if another instructor reschedules one of your final exams and causes a scheduling conflict, then it is that instructor's responsibility to resolve the conflict.

  3. I expect you to review your lecture notes before each lecture.
    If you miss a class, please obtain copies of the lecture notes from a classmate or watch the recorded lecture on Bb.

  4. All electronic devices (phones, computers, ear-buds, etc.) must be turned off and stowed before coming to class.
    Recording and photographic devices are strictly prohibited. Using electronic devices during class without my permission may result in their being confiscated and in academic discipline.

  5. Does anyone other than university students and university faculty use Maple?   (I do not receive compensation from MapleSoft.)
    See News Article 1 >>
    See News Article 2 >>

  6. You say we should check the course web site daily for assignments and announcements. When is the best time of day to check the web site so that we don't have to check it several times throughout the day?
    I will usually have new assignments or new announcements posted by 3:00.

  7. I strongly encourage you to study with "study buddies." (However, you are NOT allowed to work on program (coding) assignments with members of other teams.)

  8. How much should a college student study?

  9. THIS IS A MUST READ!   Test Anxiety: The Importance of Sleep for Your Brain



  1. Do all the examples in the first Maple tutorial entitled Basics. April 1
    1. Do not use the shortcut menu buttons in the left panel of Maple. Rather, manually type the commands as they appear in the Maple examples.
    2. You should work all assigned Maple examples immediately after they are posted to help you prepare for the programming assignments.
    3. There may be Maple related questions on exams (see the course policy).

    Kettering has made Maple amply available on many PCs throughout the AB and on the "KU Cloud" (Citrux Receiver).

    To expedite my taking attendance each day, please note the place you sit in on Thursday of Week 1. I will have you sit in that place the remainder of the term.

  2. Do this problem on truncation error. (pdf document) April 2

    (Recall that the date indicates the date on which the assignment was posted. It is NOT a due date.)

  3. Section 0.7 – Polynomial Nested Form / Truncation Error. April 4

    Since there are no new assignments on April 5, you should:

    • finish Assignments 1 and 2,
    • finish the Maple Video Tutorial posted on Bb under Week 1, and
    • thoroughly review Friday's lecture notes BEFORE we meet Tuesday.

    Since the use of Maple is required in this course, you should be finished with Assignment 1 and the first Maple Video Tutorial by now.

  4. Section 1.1 – Bisection Method. April 9

    Please form teams of 4 for working the Programming Assignments.
    Your team may include students from either of my two sections of MATH-305.

  5. Write the Maple code for the Bisection Method. April 11
    NOTE:    DO NOT COPY AND PASTE the commands into a Maple session! Doing so will introduce hidden control characters into the Maple session!
    Do this immediately, and play with the code by changing the starting interval, the tolerance, even the function.
    You will use this code as the template for writing the codes for other methods and for our first programming assignment. There will be a follow-up assignment based on this code.

    Work on forming your teams of 4 as soon as possible (for the Programming Assignments).
    See the Class Cafe (in Discussions) on Bb and follow the instructions. Each team should have 4 members and may include students from any of my 2 sections of MATH-305.

  6. After getting the Maple code for the bisection method to run properly, STUDY and work through ALL the examples in the Maple tutorial entitled
    Formatted Printing and Plot Options. April 12

    Then change your Maple code for the bisection method so that it uses formatted printing (printf) and prints:

    • the iteration number as an integer to 5 digits,
    • each iterate xm in floating point (decimal) form showing 8 decimal places,
    • f(xm) in scientific notation showing 5 decimal places, and
    • the interval length in scientific notation showing 4 decimal places.

    YOU CANNOT SIMPLY REPLACE lprint WITH printf ! Doing so will not work.
    If you have problems using printf on this assignment or on Program Assignment 1, I WILL instruct you to carefully and thoroughly study this tutorial and watch the video tutorials I post! They CLEARLY explain how to use printf.
    From now on we will use the printf command when printing output in table form.

    See these examples of Bad Tables. Explain why these tables are bad. (Would you give these tables to your supervisor at work?)

  7. Section 1.2(a) – False Position. April 12

    April 13, 1743 was Thomas Jefferson's birthday. Three very interesting facts about Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of the United States, one of which is his connection to Isaac Newton:

    • He wrote the American Declaration of Indepence at the age of 33.
    • He and very close friend John Adams, 2nd president of the U.S., died within 3 hours of one another on July 4, 1826 — the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
    • As a boy in Virginia Thomas Jefferson's private tutor was a student of Isaac Newton's who had come to the American Colonies to teach. Under Newton's student the young Jefferson learned calculus, which was then called "fluxions."

  8. Section 1.3 – Newton's Method. April 15

  9. Do all the examples in the second Maple tutorial entitled Solutions of Equations. April 16
    You should complete Assignment 1 before doing this one. Remember that these assignments will
    acquaint (or reacquaint) you with Maple and prepare you for the program (coding) assignments.

  10. Section 1.5 – Fixed Point Method. April 16

  11. Section 1.5(b) – Fixed Point Method with Aitken Acceleration. April 18




    Click here for more details.

  12. Section 3.1 – Binomial Coefficients and Differences. April 23

  13. Section 3.2 – Newton-Gregory Interpolating Polynomials. April 25

  14. Determine the Optimal Interpolation Degree. April 28

  15. Sections 5.2 & 5.3 – Proper Integrals: Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rules. April 30
    Note:   This is a running assignment — do the problems on this sheet as we cover the material.
    Rework my examples successfully on your own first.

  16. Write the Maple code for the trapezoidal rule. May 2
    NOTE: Do this immediately, and play with the code by changing the number of subintervals, the limits of integration, even the integrand f(x).
    You will use this code as the template (model) for writing the codes for other methods and for the second programming assignment.

  17. Section 5.3:   Simpson's – 1/3 Rule. May 2

  18. Do all the examples in the third Maple Tutorial entitled Derivatives and Integrals. May 3

  19. Section 5.3:   Simpson's – 3/8 Rule. May 3

    Summary of Newton-Cotes integration formulas

  20. Section 5.6 – Gauss Quadrature. May 7

  21. Section 5.1 – Numeric Differentiation. May 10

  22. Chapter 6 – Numerical Solutions of ODEs. May 17    This is a running assignment.

  23. Write this Maple code for Euler's Method. May 20
    NOTE: Do this immediately, and play with the code by changing the nodal stepsize, the interval endpoints, the IC, even the ODE.
    Use it to check your work on some of the homework problems. You will use this code as the template (model) for writing the codes for other methods.

    Review the Maple tutorial entitled Formatted Printing and Plot Options.

  24. Chapter 6 (a) – Implicit Euler Method. May 20

  25. Do Problem 2 of This Assignment. May 21

    BEWARE:    The math faculty regularly observe that during the final 3 weeks of a term, many students tend to: 1) skip class more, and 2) let their studies in math courses slide as they complete term projects or term papers in other courses. Be careful not to do that! I often see students leave entire pages blank on our final exam (because they did not do the assigned homework), and they end up significantly lowering their course grade. Remember that the final exam is worth 30% of the course grade, so make sure you continue to study and do all the assigned homework. Also, realize that one purpose of a final exam is so you can show that you have mastered a concept that you might have scored poorly on in one of the exams. So view the final exam as an opportunity to raise rather than lower your course grade.

  26. Do Problem 3 of This Assignment once the method is covered. May 21

  27. Do Problem 4 of This Assignment once the method is covered. May 21

  28. Turn the Explicit Euler code (Assignment 24) into the Modified Euler code.   (very easy) May 23

  29. Do Problem 5 of This Assignment once the method is covered. May 23

  30. Additional Programs for Solving IVPs. May 24

  31. Section 6.3: Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg and Runge-Kutta-Verner Methods. May 24

  32. Section 6.3: Questions. May 24

    Have you checked your final exam schedule? Info for our final exam is shown at the top of this page.

  33. Section 2.1 – Matrix Introduction. May 28

  34. Section 2.2 – Gauss Elimination. May 30

  35. Section 2.2(b) – LU Factorization. May 31

  36. Read and do these Maple examples for solving a system of linear equations. May 31

  37. Section 2.2(c) – Determinants and Existence–Uniqueness of Solutions. June 3

  38. Section 2.2(d) – Homogeneous Systems. June 3

  39. Section 2.3(b) – Determinants and Singular Matrices. June 3

  40. Section 2.3 – Matrix Inversion. June 4

    Have you read the information about our final exam under the Announcements at the top of this web page?
    Have you checked for scheduling conflicts with your other final exams?

  41. Section 2.4 – Vector & Matrix Norms. June 6

  42. Section 2.4(c) – Residuals, Condition Number, and Ill-Conditioned Matrices. June 7
    What we don't finish Friday, we'll finish Monday.


    Click here for detailed information about the final exam and for the crib sheet I will give you.


Remember that:

  1. You are responsible for successfully completing all assigned problems in all your courses.
  2. The exams may include problems similar to these assignments and lecture examples and may include questions about Maple.
  3. We must maintain a steady pace to cover the material that constitutes Math-305. If you have difficulty with a section, be sure to see me for help immediately.
  4. No matter how simple a topic appears when you see my examples or read the text, you will almost certainly have difficulty completing an exam if you do not practice the examples and do the assignments beforehand.