Section 5.1.1 — Simple Harmonic Motion
Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest
Remember: these problems are nothing more than ODEs that are solved using the method of Section 4.3.
We did, however, learn some new terminologies that pertain to simple harmonic motion.Also see the handout:
- Example 1 — Simple Harmonic Motion (1 page)
Take special note of the two initial conditions.
See its graph using Maple.IMPORTANT:
- Convert any inches to feet and centimeters to meters!
- Weight and mass are not the same thing. Recall that W = mg.
- Make sure your answers include proper units.
Page 209, do problems:
- 1, 3, 5(a, b),
- 6, Answer: x(t) = –5 sin 2t
- 7,
- 8, Answer: x(t) = –cos 4t – ½ sin 4t
A = sqrt(5)/2 feet , T = (π / 2) sec/cycle , 8 cycles after (4π) seconds
- 9 a, Do NOT do parts (b) and (c).
- 11 (a, b, c, f, g, h, i)
Use Maple (see Example 1 above) to plot the solution x(t).
Also see the Maple tutorial Basics or this previous assignment.
See an animation of simple harmonic motion created by Dr. Russell, formerly of Kettering University.