Math-305, Numerical Methods & Matrices
Section 2.3 — Matrix Inversion

Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest

  1. Given matrix A :
    A   = 4 –19
    –7 33
    1. Find A–1 using the method covered in class.
    2. Then show that AA–1 = I and that A–1A = I .
    3. What is det(A) ?
    4. What is det(A–1) ?

  2. Use the inverse method to solve the system
    4 –19
    –7 33

    Use Gauss elimination, LU decomposition, or Maple to check your answer.

  3. See this Maple example for inverting a matrix.

    You may then use Maple to check your answers to problems 1 and 2.

  4. Use Maple (as above) to obtain the inverse of coefficient matrix A:

    1 –1 0
    A = 1 0 –1
    –6 2 3
    Now use the inverse method to solve system
    1 –1 0
    1 0 –1
    –6 2 3

  5. If a computer takes 3 seconds to invert a 60 x 60 matrix, estimate how long will it take to invert a matrix of order 300?
    Answer:   About 31.25 minutes

    Do the following using an appropriate theorem covered in class (to be covered Thursday).

  6. Without finding the inverse of A, calculate det(A-1) for A.
    A   = 8     6
    4     9

  7. Prove the theorem that if A is invertible, then its inverse is unique.
    Hint: Suppose B and C are both inverses of A. Show that B = C.
    Warning: don't refer to either B or C as A–1. By doing so you are unknowingly assuming what you are trying to prove.

  8. If det(A) = 100,000 and A has order 12, what is det(¾A)?    (the number is three-fourths)
    Answer:   3,167.6352

  9. If  | A | = 12,345  and A has order 8, what is | 4A–1|  ?   
    Answer:   5.3087

  10. Suppose A is square. Answer True or False:  If A has a zero in its diagonal, then A is singular.

  11. Suppose both A and B are order n and invertible. Answer the following with True or False:
    1.   A–1  =  1÷A
    2.   (A–1)–1  =  A
    3.   det(A)   =   det(A–1)
    4.   det(A + B)   =   det(A) + det(B) 
    5.   (A + B)–1   =   A–1 + B–1
    6.   (AB)–1   =   A–1 B–1
    7.   (A + B)T   =   AT + BT
    8.   | AT |   =   | A |

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