Math-204, Diff. Eqns. & Laplace Transforms

Section 7.1
Laplace Transform — Definition & Table Formulae

Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest

On the inside back cover of the text, memorize these formulas immediately:
1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 from the "Table of Laplace Transforms."
Know them by the next class day.

Then use the memorized formulas to do these problems. (Do NOT use any other formulas in the table.)

Page 285, problems:

Memorize identities 10 – 12 from this list of trig identities.

We will have frequent need of partial fraction decomposition again in Chapter 7. Review it again if necessary. (Refer to your calc text.)

Here are good instructional videos with examples over partial fraction decomposition.
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