Dr. Kevin G. TeBeest
Assoc. Prof. of Applied Mathematics
Kettering University

Example 6:    Undamped, Forced Motion

> de := diff( x(t), t$2 ) + 4 * x(t) = 24 * sin(4*t) ;

[Maple Math]

Solve the above ODE, subject to zero initial position and zero initial velocity. Store the result in X:

> X := rhs( dsolve( { de, x(0) = 0, D(x)(0) = 0 }, x(t) ) ) ;

[Maple Math]

Simplify the solution, and store the result in X:

> X := combine( X, trig ) ;

[Maple Math]

Plot the solution:

> plot( X, t = 0 .. 12, x = -6 .. 6, thickness = 6, title = `Undamped, Forced Motion`, ytickmarks = 3, color = blue, size = [560,400] ) ;

[Maple Plot]


Dr. K. G. TeBeest
Applied Mathematics
Kettering University