MAPLE: Extreme Values of Functions

  1. Example: a function of one variable. Here

    f(x) = x3 - 4x2 + x - 3

    > readlib(extrema);

    > f:= x^3 - 4*x^2 + x - 3;

    > ex:= extrema(f,{},{x},'s'); stores the extreme value of f in ex

    > evalf(ex); displays the extreme value in decimal form

    > s; s contains the critical point(s) of f

    > evalf(s); displays the critical point(s) in decimal form

    The quantity s contains the critical point(s).

    The quantity ex contains the extreme value of f.

  2. Example: a function of two variables. Here

    > readlib(extrema);

    > f:= -x/3 -y/6 +7/30*y^2 +3/2 +17*x*y/30 +x^2/2;

    > ex:= extrema(f,{},{x,y},'s');

    > evalf(ex); displays the extreme value in decimal form

    > s; the critical point(s) of f

    > evalf(s); displays the critical point(s) in decimal form

  3. NOTE: Also see the commands minimize and maximize under the student library. These give minima and maxima only; they do not give critical points.

    > with(student);

    > ?minimize;

    > ?maximize;

  4. For many other popular commands common to student use,

    > ?student;

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Written and Maintained by

Prof. Kevin G. TeBeest
Applied Mathematics
Kettering University

Last modified: 07/23/07

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