Mehrdad Hosseini Zadeh - Teaching

CE-210 Digital Systems I

Spring - 2010


Instructor: Mehrdad H. Zadeh

                Office: 2-703P

                Office Hours: MW 9:00 – 10:30pm, or by appointment


                Phone: 810-762-9500   x5914

Overview: This course provides the required theoretical and practical background to design of digital systems. Formal design and analysis techniques for combinational and sequential logic circuits are studied. Topics include binary number systems and binary addition/subtraction, combinational logic minimization, frequently used combinational logic circuits, finite state machines, shift registers and counters.

Text Book: Introduction to Digital Circuits, manuscript by Prof. Nozar Tabrizi


Digital Design, with RTL Design, VHDL, and Verilog, 2nd edition,  by Frank Vahid

Digital Design, 4th edition, By M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti

Grading:  The overall grade for the course is calculated as follows:

                Exams and quizzes                                55%

                Homework                                           20%

                Laboratory                                           25%


Exams: There will be two or three exams.

Homework: There will be several homework assignments throghout the term. Homework sheets will become available on Blackboard as the material covered in class.

Laboratory:   The lab for the course is a combination of 9 labs.

Academic Integrity: The Kettering University Code of Academic Integrity will be strictly enforced.